Trying to stay healthy and be on a budget is sometimes beyond hard! That is why when I was given a chance to try the new Fiber One Yogurt, I jumped for joy at the opportunity.
Fiber One Yogurt is non-fat, only has 50 calories (NICE) and comes with 5 grams of fiber (score!!!) If, like me, you food journal you know how important it is to have low calorie snacks. It makes a good mid-morning snack. Fiber One Yogurt is available in a variety of flavors including, Strawberry, Peach, Vanilla and Key Lime Pie. I can't wait to try the Strawberry-Banana Parfaits recipe I found at Fiber One's website.
Hungry Girl, Lisa Lillien, has given her "seal of approval" for the Fiber One yogurt. Hungry Girl is all about Weight Watchers Points. This awesome yummy snack is a total of zero points. Yes that is right zero points.
In addition, now through February 9th, the Safeway family of stores has a special deal where you can purchase two 4-packs of Fiber One yogurt for only $4.

Win Win Win:
Safeway $50 Gift Card. Yay! After you win use at your local Safeway family of stores to take advantage of the everyday great savings on Fiber One yogurt and other healthy choices.
If you don't have a local Safeway you can use at Dominick´s, Tom Thumb, Randalls, Vons, Genuardi´s.
To enter: (mandatory) along with your email
1. Tell me how you maintain a healthy and/or frugal lifestyle. (ONE Comment)
Bonus Entries: (leave a spereate comment for each one)
Bonus Entries: (leave a spereate comment for each one)
2. Blog about this giveaway and post the URL.
3. Become a public follower of my blog or let me know if you already are.
Tha is a total of three comments)
The Fine Print:
- Contest ends: February 13, 2010 at 11:59 pm PST. US entries only.
- Leave a separate comment for each entry and a valid email address/blog URL/or your profile must have your email.
- Winner will be announced on Sunday, February 14th at 10:00 am PST.
- The winner, chosen at random-via, will have 48 hours to claim their prize.
Disclosure: Safeway and Fiber One provided me with the free product, information, and gift pack ($50.00 gift card to Safeway)through MyBlogSpark.. All opinions are my own.
I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating lots of veggies and foods high in fiber.
i eat healthy and wear a seat belt
I maintain my healthy lifestyle by shopping smart and get my frugal on by useing coupons.
I maintain a healthy and frugal lifestyle by using coupons to shop for fresh and healthy foods!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I maintain a healthy lifestyle by including lots of excercise in my life. I love to hike, bike and walk so I find this part easy. I find it much harder to stay frugal when grocery shopping as most fresh foods are more expensive than processed foods and don't have coupons. I am going to try a much larger garden this year and see how that works.
Healthy and frugal thing I do: vegetable gardening. Lots of exercise and plenty of yummy, organic veggies.
nik_har at yahoo dot com
I walk a half an hour each day, it helps with stress and maintain my weight. I eat a high fiber diet and watch my carb intake
I eat a lot of fruits and veggies and chase after my lil one. I use a lot of cupons.
I am your newest follower and I really hope you will come by and follow back as well. Juliana from A Blonde Walks Into a Blog
We are frugal, but feel great about it. We coupon, buy what's on sale, shop from lists made from store's weekly flyers, and try to make every meal a healthy one. We stopped eating red meat years ago and definitely feel we are receiving the payoff for it now.
I avoid fast food... it saves me money and keeps me looking trim!
Clip coupons, eat organic, lots of veggies and avoid red meat
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Oh my I could use up this space for my healthy life. I walk 7 miles 4 days a week 10 mile the on the other 3. On 7 mile days I lift weights, not alot of weight no more the 10 lbs. 2 x a day I stretch for 10 minute and then periodically thoughout the day. I eat 1800 calories a day. I don't drink, smoke or eat empty calories. I am 63.
I follow on google friend with this email
I eat whole grains and buy things on sale
I make the majority of my meals from scratch using fresh products. To save money, I use coupons and shop at warehouse stores for some items.
We're trying to eat a bit heathier, so far the major change has been in the oils we use.
As far as frugal, we shop sales and use coupons
I always use coupons and I buy the store brand if it's the cheapest, and I make sure I'm not hungry when I go to the grocery store so I don't buy everything in site! lol!
I maintain a healthy lifestyle by making time to workout and watch what I eat every day. Thanks for the chance! utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com
I've become more frugal over the years. I re-use anything I can - plastic bags, foil, etc., I don't buy anything unless it's on sale or I have a coupon for it! I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by walking when I can and watching my sugar.
I walk, dance, and try to eat a balanced but high fiber diet
I eat healthy, drink plenty of water and fit in some exercise every day.
I workout 5 times a week and drink lots of water
I eat several small meals a day instead of eating too much at one time. I try to watch my sugar and calories, also.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I am following your blog.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
Lots of water and exercise
I do my own cooking and avoid processed foods. I eat mostly fruits, vegetables, chicken,and whole grains.
Following on gfc
I maintain a healthy and frugal lifestyle by clipping coupons for my favorite natural and healthy foods from my grocery store, if you can save the extra dollar there isn't as big a differnce between the natural and the normal price.
I have really been focusing on portion control lately. Thanks for the chance.
I eat a yoplait whip, take a vitamin and drink plenty of liquid everyday - and always remember to take my blood pressure med.
I maintain a healthy lifestyle by running at least 3 days a week.
I maintain a healthy life by making smart food choices, portion control, exercise and chasing after 3 children!!
I am a public follower of your blog!
melanie bleile
I blogged for you!!! Check it out!!
We buy stores brands, shop when things are on sale and use coupons. We try to eat fruits and vegetables and whole grain
I follow your blog
We try to keep a healthy lifestyle by cutting out the snacks & getting more fruits & veggies into our diets. We also try to walk daily & swim twice a week.
i try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by drinking lots of water instead of soda and walking a lot
i'm a public follower
i maintain my health by getting out and walking my dog each morning.
Following Publicly via google friend connect.
I use coupons whenever possible & try to shop for only what I really need.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
We maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating portion controlled meals and exercising at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. sharonaquilino at hotmail dot com
i work out everyday and eat plenty of fruits and veggies!!!
I count calories.
I live a healthy lifestyle by walking everyday atleast 2 miles. I achieve this by walking during the car line at my kids school!
I walk and drink water (sometimes at the same time).
I maintain my fruigality with coupons~!
I maintain a frugal lifestyle by using coupons ALL THE TIME!!
I follow on google friend connect.
I live a frugal lifestyle by signing up for freebies and always using coupons
msboatgal at
To maintain a healthy lifestyle I make sure to eat right, exercise, and avoid stress.
One thing I have done for years is 1) cook for myself and 2) use COPIOUS quantities of olive oil :D I buy most of my stuff at Costco so I am able to get good olive oil in bulk :)
Please feel free to contact me at:
I just blogged this giveaway here :D
Please feel free to contact me at:
I am following you on Google Friend Connect :D
Username: Timbo Squad
I eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies. Thanks.
Health - working out with my Wii!
Frugality - coupons!
We eat high fiber foods, organic snacks, veggies and fruits.
I maintain a frugal lifestyle by buying what I need and not what I want. I use coupons for things that I do need or I buy when they are on sale.
I live a healthy lifestyle by avoiding the fast foods, exercise and good relationships!
I maintain a healthy lifestyle by including lots of exercise and eating lots of vegetables.
:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)
I follow your awesome blog via Google Friend Connect!
name (monky)
I maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating right and squeezing in a workout whenever I can. For example, I always take the stairs! Thanks.
I maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising most days, not smoking, and eating right. honeypie411 at yahoo dot com
I eat more fiber, less potato products, chew more and enjoy my food and add veggies and fruit to my meals
I try to lead a healthy life by exercising regularly and eating 5 fruits & veggies each day.
I follow you on google friend.
I definitely eat lots of fresh produce but also try to eat only what is in season to keep my costs down
To maintain a healthy lifestyle I try and eat healthy, I love fruits and veggies, and exercise whenever I can :)
calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
I TRY to eat healthy on my limited grocery budget. My daughter and I like to snack on carrots and light ranch. I do get some exercise each day with my morning walk to my office from the parking lot (I have to walk a long way and then climb a couple flights of stairs). I always use the stairs instead of the elevator at work.
I like to lead a healthy but frugal lifestyle by taking advantage of exersizing outside. No one in my family has a gym membership...we live in San Diego for goodness sakes! Walking, jogging, biking or hiking are the ways we like to stay in shape. Thanks! kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com
I'm a follower of your blog. Thanks! kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com
I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by going to the gym several times a week and walking the dog a lot!
HobartsMama at AOL.COM
I try to live a healthy life by finding ways to make exercise a part of my daily routine. I try to live frugally by shopping the sales and using lots and lots coupons!
sweepyhead at gmail dot com
I'm a public follower of your blog as valancia
Thanks for hosting a great giveaway! I'm starting to work out daily to the P90X program... killer but effective. thanks!
heather y
I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by cutting back on the amount I eat and adding in more fruits and veggies. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I try to go for a 3 mile run every other morning, thanks!
I eat well, including yogurt, walk my dog and swim at the club to stay healthy. Thanks!
I shop with coupons, and try to eat healthy and walk as much as I can. =)
I try to watch my trans fat and saturated fat intake.
IM following your blog publicly thru google connect as valancia
I have added more fresh veggies to our diet and I intend to eat more fiber
teechbiz at gmail dot com
I always bring fruit to work with me so that I snack on that instead of going to the vending machine.
I don't drink or smoke.
We eat a lot of fresh fruit and veggies and a lot of whole grains.
My frugality is a zen practice of buying only things on sale, only things I need, and only things I plan to buy. Scrooge would be proud of me.
I have a mainly raw food diet along with some dairy products.
mrssquigg at comcast dot net
Google follower!
Brandy B
mrssquigg at comcast dot net
I try to plan my shopping with emphasis on sale items and seasonal items.
I try to eat and feed my family lots of fruits and vegetables.. I order a box of fresh items weekly and have it delivered to my house so I have no excuse not to prepare meals with them.
I try to have groceries delivered right to my house whenever possible so I do not have to make alot of trips to grocery store where I tend to impulse buy... this helps with keeping my costs down.
I stopped buying fast food and started cooking more meals from scratch. With that goal my purchases go to the brand on sale that I have coupons for.
I'm now following your blog
I run around and play with my kids. It's my exercise and I have great bonding time with my boys. I also try to eat a lot of dairy.
I follow via Google Friend Connect.
angela g
A group of the residents walk around the building and the four floors of the building. along with walking the stairs during the day. the elevator is left for other use!
i eat a lot of fruit and vegetables
chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com
eating more home cooked meals and trying to limit buying prepared items. Fresh green beans instead of frozen. Eating a lot of soy products, some are really, really good
I forgot to say that I follow on Google Friends Connect
HobartsMama at AOL.COM
I try to eat unprocessed foods, cut down on carbs, and exercise
I follow you on Google Friends Connect - Carolsue
I always try to buy things when they are on sale-and always use coupons!
I became a vegetarian 15 years ago and that has made me much more conscious of food labels which in turn resulted in me eating healthier
Blogged about your giveaway
Following you via google
I shop the sales and only use coupons for things that are on sale as well!
I eat more fruits and vegetables and less sugars and fast foods.
My family and I maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy, exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water, and taking a multi-vitamin daily!
We also use coupons whenever we can and grow 'our' own vegetables!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Good Luck and Happy Valentine's to all!
I follow your blog via Google Friends Connect!
I blogged about this giveaway!
I try to eat healthy foods especially cooking from scratch (which is also frugal) and try to say active.
I'm following your blog in Google Friend Connect.
I don't do a good job of maintiaing a healthy lifestyle. But I haven't given up!
Follow on google friends
I maintain a healthy lifestyle by working out when I can and eating right most of the time! I also weigh myself often and really consider if I'm wanting to eat things with high calories.
I'm following you via google connect
I go swimming 3 times a week and stay out of stores. thanks for the contest
google follower
i eat healthy and exercise
I was able to get a treadmill on a good deal this year and so I workout at home during the winter and outside during the summer.
We buy lots of fruit and veggies. Cheap and healthy.
Thanks for the terms of our diet & exercise, we try to do everything in moderation...and no smoking!!!
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
How do I keep a frugal lifestyle? One way is to look for deals, combining sales, coupons, and rebates if possible.
I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating as naturally as possible (eating little procesed food; watching ingredients; no artificial sweeteners and dyes), exercising and getting enough sleep.
I am actually a student but a health nut, take water with me everywhere andf am in the gym everyday. I am getting into modeling but my budget is so tight as I am a student. This would be awesome!
i drink lots of water and getg plenty of sleep! :) Works for me!
no processed junk food and buy stuff on sale. also I drink mostly water, no juice or soda.
I keep a healthy lifestyle by eating properly and exercising 3 times a week
follow blog publicly
blogged giveaway
I haven't been doing so well at maintaining a healthy lifestyle but I'm starting to use a journal so that should improve. I think it will also help me keep better track of my spending at the same time.
I make my own meals and am a couponer :)
having a box of fruit and veggies delivered weekly is a way to ensure i have to eat them!
Also, i like coupons, and love deals!
I love using coupons to save money.
I eat a well-balanced diet.
This contest is now closed. View winner here:
Thanks for all who entered.
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