December 16, 2009

Holiday Memories Photo Contest

Holiday Memories Photo Contest us being sponsored by that you can enter to win a $500 gift card as well as other prizes. There will be five grand prize winners who will receive a $500 gift card and then 45 $50 gift cards for all 45 finalists
Sister's Kitty Sydney
The five categories are:

  1. Kids in the Kitchen: Photo must depict at least one child under the age of 18 at the time the photo was taken cooking or eating in the kitchen

  2. Deck the Halls : Holiday home decorations (indoor or outdoor)

  3. Bah Humbug: Depict “Scrooge” expression or moment

  4. Cuddly Moments: Warm, tender moments with family, friends and/or pets
  5. Home for the Holidays: Families enjoying holiday moments together

Visit the Nestle web site.

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